• Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church
  • Faith Marshall-Harris honoured with a poem at Mount Zions Mission Foursquare Barbados Church

Chadeene Roett

A member of Mount Zion's Mission Foursquare Barbados Church, Chadeene Roett, a Graduate Student in the Field of Agricultural Economics, blessed Faith Marshall-Harris, the Patron for the Women's Ministry Special Dinner with a beautiful Poem.

'Called to Be'

Called to Be

Chadeene Roett 
Faith Marshall-Harris was honoured with a Poem by Chadeene Roet From a small oak comes a great and mighty tree.
From a small parish on a little island,
Comes a lady to represent helpless babies,
Infants and toddlers as well as teens.

Faith Marshall-Harris was honoured with a Poem by Chadeene Roet As small as your beginnings may seem,
You mustn’t shy away from who you were called to be.
Speak boldly and confidently at every given opportunity.
Always stand for what is right,
Even when it does not conform with the beliefs of the majority.
For you must never forsake who you are called to be.

Faith Marshall-Harris was honoured with a Poem by Chadeene Roet Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing,
And politically correct quotes.
Always apply the word of God,
Because it will remind you of who you are called to be.
Maintain the balance of justice and love
And safeguard the rights of every child.

Faith Marshall-Harris was honoured with a Poem by Chadeene Roet In a world where the focus is on what everyone wants,
Be a constant advocate for what our children need.
Like Esther, take hold of your new platform,
Not to do as you wish,
But to be the one that God has called you to be.
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